A SQL Developer's Guide To NewSQL

A SQL Developer's Guide To NewSQL

Web applications have changed the way we use databases. With web applications, we have to deal with much more dynamic data than ever before. No longer can we put up a solid schema design that could last a long time. The internet keeps changing, and so are our web applications. It's getting difficult to design databases for web applications in traditional ways.

Due to the new challenge, NoSQL has become popular in recent years. With NoSQL, data repository can grow organically. However, with that flexibility developers also lose the ACID characteristics that many developers consider essential.

Is it possible to extend relational databases to accommodate "undefined properties" like NoSQL does but still hold the ACID characeristics? Maybe. That's what newsql was trying to do. In this guide, we'll explain the node.js module newsql and how developers can use it to meet the challenges imposed by today's web applications.

newsql is an open source project for node.js. Any usage issues about newsql should be directed to that github repository.